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Christmas 2011 with Matt

We’ve been together as a couple for 2 years, 3 months, and 2 days as of Dec. 25, 2011. That’s today.. I daresay it’s roughly around the same time of day right now as it was that long ago that he asked me to be his girlfriend! This was our third Christmas together. Today was … Continue reading

Dealing with Different Perceptions & Perspectives

I was reading a post earlier today over at John Shore’s blog. He received a letter which told a heart-wrenching story. It had to do with a young disabled man, his mother, and the family of some people who have spent much of their time caring for the man over the last nine years. The … Continue reading

The American Bubble

I was just on Twitter and tweeting with @marksandlin about my new Moroccan friend. He is Muslim. This is a great thing. The problem is that I feel there are not many others in the US who would dare make a friend like mine because we live in such a bubble. I have seen all … Continue reading

Your Majesty…

My quiet time is spent here. Most of the time I can count on peace within my emotional body in those moments. No unwanted distractions. Just me and my needs. On the throne.

Off the Edge and into Action

I wrote the previous post on May 5, 2010. Just 2 weeks ago my fiancĂ© and I started volunteering at a local non-profit edible garden. The food grown there goes to low-income preschools and the local food bank. We have fallen in love with the work there at the garden and plan on getting our … Continue reading

Foodie Activism – On the Edge of Action

I have been learning more and more about food in America. What I’ve learned has just about got me convinced I need to become a farmer! Even if it’s just to grow food for me and my family. I am learning I want no part in the system as it stands. It all started when … Continue reading

Life as Alphabet Soup

My fiancĂ©’s diagnoses are like a can of alphabet soup. Murky and mixed up with squishy letters that can morph into anything. AS/ASD, ADHD, BP1, DD-NOS, And those are the ones with short-form abbreviations. Adjustment disorder with mixed anxiety and depression, pseudotumor cerebri, dysautonomia, mineralcortico-something-or-other deficiency, occupational problems, parent/child dysfunctional communication issues… The list goes … Continue reading